Sunday, May 18, 2014

Chemistry Reflection 12

Today, in Chemistry, I learn that oxidation is addition of oxygen and that reduction is removal of oxygen. An example is ...

Lead Oxide + Carbon = Lead + Carbon Monoxide

The lead oxide is reduced to lead because oxygen is removed. The carbon is oxidised to carbon monoxide because oxygen is added. 

It can also be that oxidisation is losing electrons while reduction is gaining electrons. We also review and learn about half-equations. We also do group work where we focus one on a solution. The solution I did is Fe(NO3)3 solution where we draw the lab setup.

The ions that are present in the solution is Nitrate, Iron, Hydrogen and Hydroxide.

In the negative electrode which is the cathode, the hydrogen escape as gas while the Iron stays inside the solution.

In the positive electrode which is the anode, the hydroxide escape as gas while the Nitrate stays inside the solution.
The half equation is...
Fe3+ + 3e- = Fe(s)
NO3- = e- +NO3

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