Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chemistry Reflection 8

Today in Chemistry we learn and review about ionic bonding. We review on how atoms consist of 3 types of subatomic particles which are protons, electrons and neutrons. While proton is +, neutron is neutral and electron is -. We learn that metal atoms are positive ions or cations. Also, non-metals are negative ions or anions. We learn about charge so an atom that has a nearly empty outer shell, it will take less energy to lose electrons so it will be positive. While an atom that has a nearly full outer shell will take less energy to gain electrons so it will be negative.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chemistry Reflection 7

Today in Chemistry, we did an experiment on empirical formula which is to find how many water in hydrated copper sulfate (H20 in CuSO4).
So first we need to weigh the crucible (24.54 grams) and then we need to fill it with 2 grams of copper sulfate. Then we need to burn it. After heating it we need to let it cool down. We need to weigh it again and subtract it with the weight of the crucible. (24.54 – 23.35 grams) That will be the mass of the copper sulfate (1.19 grams).

Then we subtract it with 2 so it is (2-1.19) so the mass of water is 0.81 grams. Then you will need to find the empirical formula which will be 1:5 

Chemistry Reflection 6

Today in Chemistry, we learn about empirical formula and molecular formula. While empirical formula is just an estimation of the number of atoms in an element, molecular formula is like exact. The way to find it is also similar.
To find an empirical formula, you need to know the mass so for example
Calcium=36.1 grams
Chlorine = 63.9 grams
After we know the grams, we need to divide by the molar mass
Calcium =
Chlorine =
Now we need to divide both numbers with the smallest equation which is 0.9
0.9/0.9 = 1
1.8/0.9 = 2

So the ratio is 1:2 so it is CaCl2

To find the molecular formula you need the molar mass of the compound and then just repeat the process to find the exact ratio.

Chemistry Reflection 5

Today in Chemistry, we learned about moles. In chemistry, moles are 6.02 x 1023 and this is the Avogrado number which is used to find the number of moles. There is also a process which is
Number of Particles (N)= Number of moles (n) x Avogrado Number (NA).
An example is:   10.1 grams = 0.1 moles x 100.1 grams/mol.
Mass= Number of moles x molar mass

The molar mass is basically just the Ar or Mr. This can be found on the periodic table